Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Ok Before i start.

I thought i might as well explain alittle about why ive made this blog, as well as what id like from you the reader.

This isnt supposed to be something you read forget and move onto, its a mini noneprofit idea. Where me and you (the readers) work as one to write some hopefully interesting and informative information on certain aspects of life.

I have no Psychology, this blog isnt about information ive found in books just my own personal opinion Which as you read, you'll see is a very brutly honest one.
Driven by no hostility only a want to let people know whats on my mind.

So heres where you come in, if you have a certain issue youd like me to talk about, Email me it. (contact details will be at the bottom of this post)
If you have more to add to my posts, feel free to post your thoughts to. this is a place where we can all share our opinion.

usually i would already have prepared some issues to write up about on this, but since this was a spare of the moment decision i cant promise to make new posts on "weekly" bases, ill post when i have something to talk about.

so yeah ill think of something to talk about. in the mean time if theres any issues youd like me to talk abou.
email your suggestions to Waynes1987@live.co.uk

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